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Filtering by Tag: los angeles

There Goes the Neighborhood

holden steinberg

Tucked away in Beverly Hills, the secluded neighborhood of Benedict Canyon is home to the sprawling estates of Jay Leno, Bruce Springsteen, and David Beckham, as well as moguls David Geffen and Ron Burkle. But when a mysterious Saudi prince announced plans to build a big spread of his own—85,000-square-feet big, complete with servants’ quarters and a private “sons’ villa”—the claws came out. Led by Martha Karsh, the hard-charging wife of a billionaire investor, the neighbors have hired a team of lawyers and launched a publicity blitzkrieg to stop construction. Michael Shnayerson documents the real-estate war galvanizing this once quiet Los Angeles enclave.

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Nightmare on Sunset

holden steinberg

They live in some of America’s most exclusive enclaves, alongside stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Jay Leno, and Warren Beatty and Annette Bening, but the residents of Bel Air, Brentwood, Pacific Palisades, and much of Beverly Hills are in the grip of a crime wave. Over the last year, masked crews—and one solo bandit known as the Bel Air Burglar—have made off with tens of millions in loot, leaving the L.A.P.D. stymied and victims swapping theories about how the thieves know exactly when and where to strike.

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